
The Journey of Street Fighter (1994) w/Mr. Ray (2 Dollar Creature Feature)

The episode encapsulates a riveting examination of the 1994 film Street Fighter, a cinematic endeavor that has sparked both fervent debate and nostalgic reminiscence within the gaming and film communities. As the podcastronauts, joined by Mr. Ray of the Actual Play podcast 2 Dollar Creature Feature (https://2dollarcreature.carrd.co/), dissect the film's production backstory, uncovering a wealth of anecdotes that shed light on the tumultuous conditions under which the film was created. With Raul Julia's final performance as M. Bison serving as a poignant centerpiece, the discussion navigates through the film's reception, its peculiar narrative choices, and the juxtaposition of laughter and frustration it elicits from audiences. The speakers reflect on the film's campy nature, celebrating its unintentional humor while also scrutinizing its shortcomings in faithfully representing the beloved characters from the game. This thoughtful analysis not only pays homage to the film but also invites listeners to contemplate the broader implications of adaptations in the realm of entertainment.

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Matt Austin:

The following footage is certified pg.

Meghan Murphy:

Pretty great.

Matt Austin:

It's Anomaly Presents with your friends, the podcastronauts.

Mr. Ray:

Sounds like a lot of supernatural baloney to me. Supernatural, perhaps baloney, perhaps not.

Matt Austin:

Hello and welcome to another episode of Anomaly Presents, the podcast about the genre movies that have inspired the genre film festival known as Anomaly. It's the Anomaly Film Festival in beautiful Rochester, New York, taking place this November at some point at the beautiful little theater.

Dates to come soon. My name is Matt Austin.

ere tonight to Talk about the:


Hey, everybody. Big Street Fighter fan. I'm wearing my ryu shirt and I even dug out my Street Fighter 2 super Nintendo cartridge, so hell yeah.

Meghan Murphy:

KP ready?



Matt Austin:

Megan Murphy is also here tonight, as you've heard. Hi, Matt.

Meghan Murphy:

Hi, I'm here. Oh, no, I ruined the surprise. I am also here. I'm always here.

Matt Austin:

And would you do us a favor of introducing our guest podcast or not for tonight?

Meghan Murphy:

You got. Hey, everybody, this is my friend and also person who loves the Street Fighter movie, Ray. You may know him, I guess, if we have any.

We're trying to cross over an audience here, so work with us. Right. Ray is the storyteller on the Monster of the Week podcast that I recorded with him called Two Dollar Creature Feature. That's how we met.

We tell stories together.

Mr. Ray:

I would also. Oh, I would also like to add in that I am a yellow belt in taekwondo from almost 30 years ago. So, you know, I'm kind of a combat expert.


Hey, more than some of the actors in this film.

Mr. Ray:

Oh, my gosh. Yeah.


I say that lovingly.

Matt Austin:



Can't forget Kylie Minogue. I'm like, I know you're looking at the list.

Matt Austin:

You're not forgetting this is off the dome, kp. Off the dome piece.

Meghan Murphy:


Matt Austin:

That's why I started staring at the ceiling, because I could not pull it out of my head. Steven D'Souza is our director, writer, he action legend. He wrote Commando. He wrote Die Hard, kind of.

He polished up Die Hard, I suppose amongst many others. This is his first feature. And oh, boy, what a feature it is.


Fighting for his life to make this movie.

Meghan Murphy:

Yeah, yeah. You know what? The fight was worth it, though. Okay. The fight was worth it.

Mr. Ray:

Also, he wasn't the only one fighting for his life to make this movie. Is that in bad taste? I'm sorry.

Matt Austin:

No, it's a good. It's a good place to start. So let's kind of get into it. It's. It's a fun movie. I. I think when it came out, made money. Like, people went to see it.


Triple, triple its budget.

Matt Austin:

It was. What was the quote I saw that he said. Dua said Van Dam made two movies that made over $100 million. This one in Time Cop, which h.

Yeah, it's rarified error there.


He needed to make that much money with how much coke he was doing.

Matt Austin:

That was it. And that was kind of one of the issues that came up, wasn't it? So, yeah, they all got together in Bangkok to make this movie. Right.

And how do we want to start? Do we want to go with plot or do we want to go with how? Let's do this. Let's just talk about how we feel about the movie.

Meghan Murphy:

Oh, I like that. Yeah.

Matt Austin:

All right, so. And I don't mean to put you on the spot, Ray, but you're our new friend. Let's.

Meghan Murphy:


Matt Austin:

Let's start with you. What. How do you feel about Street Fighter, the movie?

Mr. Ray:

Okay, so this is. This is probably a hot take, but this is probably the best GI Joe movie ever made.

Matt Austin:

I love that.

Mr. Ray:

Oh, I. I turned it on to. To kind of refresh myself on this.

And just that opening credit sequence of, you know, everybody's at the Hunkered lair and, you know, Bison's killing off people left and right, and, you know, we have the. The news broadcast, like, cutting in, and it's just like, this really feels like a G.I. joe movie.

Matt Austin:


Mr. Ray:

Like, yeah. And. And I. I love that. I mean, it's not. It's not true to the games because, surprisingly, fighting games have a plot to it. And. And I don't wanna. I.

I don't want to get ahead of myself by talking about how, like, this is a prime example of, like, adapting away from the source and, and just not getting the vibe of it, because you can adapt away from a source and still get the vibe. That's fine. I. I consider that, like, in comparison, Mortal Kombat would be in that. That. That bracket.

And this is just getting away from the source and sort of getting away from the vibe as well. But it is still a great movie. It has some of my favorite lines in it.

And for anybody who wants to know, Zangief is my Absolute favorite character in this movie because he has all the best lines.

Meghan Murphy:

I was just saying off air, I said, I love Zangief in this so much.

Mr. Ray:

Oh, I love whatever. They're watching the. The video and they're seeing the truck coming in and he's like, quick, change the channel. That's. It's such a good joke.

And his delivery is just perfect.

Matt Austin:


I was watching it with my kid yesterday, and that was the thing that made him laugh the hardest in the whole movie because he's live action crunk and it's the best. Oh, yeah.

Mr. Ray:

It's fantastic.

Matt Austin:


Meghan Murphy:

Yeah. I mean, I. I feel like. Yeah, I. I feel like coming from it for like.

Okay, so I remember Street Fighter and I played at the arcade, but I don't feel like fidelity to it, like, even now or then. Right. But, you know, I remember enjoying the. Enjoying the film and then re. Watching it today. I wanted it fresh.

I was like, oh, no, this is a genuinely good film. I don't know if it's like Street Fighter film because there's very little actual, like one on one fight. It's wild.

They keep setting up these fights and they never happen. But as a. Just a fun film that never stops, this thing starts. I thought I'd be half paying attention to it as I was remembering it.

No, I got laser focused because this is just genuinely entertaining. Things happen. There's very little, like flab. It just goes, this thing happens and this thing happens. Now they're here.

Do you need to know how they got to the camp? No, you don't. It's fine. Now they're there and they're dressed up like a magic group. It's fine.



Meghan Murphy:

And I appreciate that energy because it feels very purposeful. The film is just trying to be like, fun, silly. I mean, the dramatic stakes are so wild that it doesn't matter at all.

And I guess I'm just ecstatic, astounded at how many characters and settings they fit into this. From what I've read, the writer, director and his son would go and play Street Fighter at the arcade. That's part of the reason how he got the job.

So I can definitely tell that someone who, like, knew this stuff and like, how do we get these people in their costumes? We'll figure it out. Don't worry about it. How did the E. Honda background get into the evil lair? Doesn't matter. It was just painted on there. It's fine.

And I appreciate that energy because I think that's what this film needed. If it was gonna be this instead of a. A very close to the. The source material movie, which I don't even know was possible at the time.

Like, that'd be a TV series. Right? But to do a movie. That's what this is.



Meghan Murphy:

Oh, yeah. I think that there. If you're gonna get, like, actual lore, but if you just want to have fun with these characters, this. This movie's fun. It's fun.

It's fun, y'all. It's fun and on purpose fun.

Mr. Ray:


Matt Austin:

Kp, what do you think?


So super fun time. I feel like it's an opposite to Mortal Kombat in a way.

Like, I felt like Mortal Kombat had funny moments, but had much more heart where this was like, we're just gonna have explosions and nonsense and like, extra over the top ridiculousness. I'm sure some of that fitting in all the characters. Part of.

Part of the challenge was that he only wanted to put in so many, and Capcom kept coming back to him and telling him he needed to put in more.

Meghan Murphy:

Amazing. I'm like, you're fun. What are you doing in this, man? Like, there's a couple characters. I'm like, I'm sorry, you.

I keep forgetting you're here, and it's not your fault. That's.

Matt Austin:

And you don't even realize that's him until they. They say by name and then his character description, and then they make him.

Meghan Murphy:

Put the headband on Cammy's. Literally. Like, why that head?

Matt Austin:

Why that?

Meghan Murphy:



There was moments that made me laugh so hard because it's. I think, if you like, in the Marvel era we live in now where, like, you see Easter eggs and it's more subtle often times.

And then, you know, we have the call out for the.

Meghan Murphy:

The headband.


We have, you know, John Claude Van Damme doing the. The muscle with the flag on it. I mean, just very, very silly. And that's what makes it great. Like my other favorite fighting movie, Dead or Alive.

Meghan Murphy:

So, yeah, yo, go listen to our episode.


Yeah, Ray. I made them all watch.

Meghan Murphy:

Was grunky.

Matt Austin:

This was maybe I'm gonna go back and listen two years ago, maybe a year and a half ago, somewhere in there.


Oh, it was quite some time.

Meghan Murphy:

Yeah. I feel like it was one of the foundational episodes.

Matt Austin:

Yeah. It's honestly what put us on doing video game movies, because I think that was our first video game movie, and we had such a good time with it.

And you're right. There are absolute echoes. I wonder if that's intentional for DOA to have Echoed Street Fighter. But yeah, I, yeah, I, what did you have?

I, I don't want to cut you off because I, I, okay, go ahead. All right.

Meghan Murphy:

with the street fighter from:

Matt Austin:

So it was interesting because he was, he was watching it in true 9 year old watching a movie style. So he was playing Pokemon at the exact same time.

Meghan Murphy:

Of course, yeah.

Matt Austin:

But among us here is the power of this film is that he would poke his head up and start watching and then it got longer and longer gaps between he was paying attention to Pokemon to the point where it got to, you know, that changed the channel and then the siege on, on Bison's lair and he was locked in. So like, I love that so much. This was like baby's first action movie and he 100% locked in on it.

And I asked him afterwards because, you know, he loves rating things, you know, 1 to 10. So I was like, so, so what do you, what, what do you think about that movie? He's like nine out of ten. Nine out of ten.

Meghan Murphy:

Oh my God.

Mr. Ray:


Matt Austin:

u know, nine year old if it's:

Meghan Murphy:

It and I did too.

Matt Austin:

But yeah, it was just like, it was great hanging out on the couch Saturday afternoon, watching a movie with, with the kid. He loved it. It was great. We both had a good laugh at whatever they were trying to do with the boat. The stealth boat thing was hilarious.


Oh my goodness. That whole section.

Mr. Ray:

Loved, loved that. There was a time I had Guile's whole speech memorized.

Matt Austin:

Oh, that's awesome.

Mr. Ray:

It was great at parties. It killed because, you know, me and my friends would watch that movie all the time. I probably could not do it now.

Matt Austin:

But I, I won't put you on the spot, I promise.

Mr. Ray:

Thank you.

Matt Austin:

But yeah, that it's the most fun I've had with, with a movie, with a video game movie in a long, long time. Like, it's great, it's super fun. So I guess let's from there kind of go into.

We talked a little bit about how it diverges from the plot of the the game to the movie.

Let's kind of talk about that a little bit because I, I saw because there are so many think pieces and so many oral histories of this movie because it's like this movie in Apocalypse now for movies that went sideways when you tried to make them. Exactly.

Mr. Ray:

Same same category.

Matt Austin:

It's. Yeah. I mean there's so many. So many.

Meghan Murphy:

This. And the doctor of all of doctor of isle. The isle of Dr. Moreau.

Matt Austin:

I love Dr. Moreau. Fitz.

Meghan Murphy:

That's a good story too. We can't get on that. No, I can't. I can't get into this.

Matt Austin:

Oh, Richard Stanley's a real piece of shit, but I got to give him credit for that.

Meghan Murphy:

Yeah, absolutely. That dude. But what a story.

Matt Austin:

Boy, oh boy.


So the production challenges is that like.

Matt Austin:

Yeah, yeah, we'll go there and then.

Meghan Murphy:



And you know, wants him to make this movie. He. They keep shoveling in more characters. He has 10 weeks to film. Right. They start in Thailand. It doesn't go very well.

The building that they're currently in, an old coast guard building and it has holes in it so they can't light properly. They. It's rainy season and it's a tin roof. So they, they're getting no sound and so they basically kind of waste their time in Thailand.

Well, on top of that, Raul Julia shows up to his costume fitting and he is so sick. He had just had surgery that the costume doesn't fit him.

So the original plan was do all the talking scenes because he had a whole boatload of actors that didn't have fight experience and then do all the fight scenes at the end. Well, now he, he can't do that. So he has to push everything Ronald Julie is in until the end, except, except for one scene.

And then when Thailand doesn't go well, he then has to go to Australia early and then cram in the same amount of time to basically make an entire movie. I think it's like he says seven weeks.

Matt Austin:

Basically just absolutely bone breaking schedule to try to put something like this together.


And then I think he has a harder time where Jean Claude Van Damme is partying so hard going to Hong Kong, not showing up when he's supposed to. Taking too long to do scenes that should take an hour. Because he, Jean Claude Van Damme was. Capcom pushed him for guile.

He was the most expensive part of their budget. Apparently.

You know, in Capcom, like in Japan, they didn't understand that he had an accent because he's dubbed over by the same guy all the time in Japan.

Meghan Murphy:

At one point, like again, the, the, the, the, the, the flag tattoo just. I'm like movie don't. It's. It's fine. We could just come up with a reason why he's Belgian, but I don't.


Yeah, but yes, basically he had to make. And so if Jean Clad Van Damme wasn't, like, showing up, he either had to find other scenes to shoot or had to rewrite things. So they probably paid.

You know, I can't remember how much he got paid for this, but he got paid a huge chunk. And then he should have been in much more of the movie, but because of his lifestyle at the time, that's not what happened.

Meghan Murphy:

You know, it's fascinating is like. So I didn't. I didn't know all of the backstory, right. But I remember. I remember watching this going, like.

I mean, I listen, I love Jean Claude Van Damme. You all know me and jcvd. I love him, right? But he just, like, this seems like not a great role for him, and it sounds like part of it.

Like, he just wasn't connecting. So, like, Kyle's kind of boring and plain in this.

Like, I feel like it's just, I would say a waste of him, but I feel sounds like maybe he just didn't, like, was able to give a performance there because I'm like, Kyle's kind of like a wet towel in this. I think a lot of the, like, unit, military, NATO, whatever they are, whatever they are.


Allied nations, because they were supposed to be the United nations, but somebody on their team producer, asked the United nations if they could use. They were like, hell, no. Which you just are supposed to be allowed to use it.

Meghan Murphy:

I'm sorry. A movie called Street Fighter. I don't know, y'all.

Matt Austin:


Meghan Murphy:

That's hilarious that it was so much that they actively said no.


Yeah. And I think part of.

Other than John Claude Van Damme's, like, partying, lifestyle, interfering or just maybe not being interested or probably also being wiped because he was doing so many movies.

Meghan Murphy:

Back to back to back to back.


At the time, de Souza said that, like, he learned to meet with actors where English was not their first language and have them talk over their lines to catch times where they might get tongue tied. So he did that with Arnold, and Arnold Schwarzenegger was like, thank you so much. This is great.

So you can edit the lines and then it's something that's easier for him to say. And John Clavandian was like, no, I'm not doing that. But then he would mispronounce lines or think he mispronounced things. So I'm.

I imagine that even that may have played a role in how some of the dialogue was given.

Meghan Murphy:



But, yeah, so de Souza was trying really hard, and then he finishes the movie. He Has a hard stop. It needs to be out in time for Christmas, so they couldn't delay. And what happens? It goes to the mpaa.

There was a school shooting at the time, so they give it a R rating. It was supposed to be PG13K. He knew how to hit PG13 from working like Knight Rider. And then MPA gives him an R. He edits, edits, edits, edits.

They give him a G rating.

Meghan Murphy:



And he's like, we can't do this. That's a kiss of death. Disney movies get G ratings.

Meghan Murphy:



But it had already been reviewed two times, and because they gave him a lower rating, they weren't going to do it again. So they redid the line where. And I can't remember what it is, but Guile says, like, it was.

Matt Austin:

Yeah, four years of ROTC for this.



Matt Austin:

And he's going down into the.

Meghan Murphy:

Yes, that did it.

Matt Austin:

That did it.


He said, hey, we think he missed something, and this G rating isn't right. And the MPA came back and was like, how dare you try to sneak this, you know, past us. PG 13.

Meghan Murphy:

You can play them so hard. Ratings are such, y'all. Oh, my God. Oh, my God.


The action then had to get cut down, down. So he has people who don't have the combat experience. They didn't get enough time to have decent combat experience.

And then he has to edit the fighting down further. So I'm really curious what it originally like.

Meghan Murphy:

Oh, I bet there was more fighting and straight in the Street Fighter movie. Okay, that makes sense. Instead of like a tank shows up, a thing shows every time. I'm like, oh, my God, Vega. Vegan Ryu are about to go at it.

Oh, come on. What? I got so upset because I had forgotten. Oh, look at. Vega's gonna be so cool. He's got his thick, luxurious brain. His attitude. I was. Oh, man.

Matt Austin:

Well, that was. That was the one thing I did you see this? The. The thing with Ryu when he was in the. The cage fight with. Yeah. With Vega and the interview with.

Oh, so here. This. This is the story with Ryu, because the fight choreographer that they hired is legendary. It's Benny the Jet or kiddies who shout out to.

Shout out to punches and popcorn. Like they. They just lost their minds because he worked on Force five with. With Bang Him Son, Wheels On Meals with Jackie Chan.

Dragons Forever with Jackie Chan and Sammo Hung like, he's a name amongst names. So they brought him in to do the fight training, and he had, like, this much time and also didn't Know anything about video games.

So they started doing all the fight choreography and they.

They realized, like, everybody's supposed to have a different fighting style, but they all have the same fighting style, Benny the Jet style, because he didn't realize that they were supposed to fight differently. So they looked at the dailies of the fights and went, why is everybody fighting exactly the same?

Well, because you hired the guy and didn't tell him to do different things. So everybody fights the exact same. So, yeah. So it gets to the point with Ryu, and he's got the blade, right?

So didn't have time to train the blade at all. And it comes up on the scene and the PA comes up to him, goes, all right, you're going to be shooting that scene today. You ready?

He went, do what now? Do what?

Meghan Murphy:

I got.

Matt Austin:

I got a what now? So he found one of the guys that was on set. One of the Thai fighters that were there had the blade.

So he went to one of the stuntmen and trained with the blade with the stuntman for a couple hours before the scene. And he did the scene with the blade that the stuntman gave him, which was a real blade.

Meghan Murphy:

Oh, my God.

Matt Austin:

So he trained and. Yeah, so what you saw with. With the sword flipping around and all that. Yeah, he could have sliced himself to ribbons.


And it's also all he learned.

Matt Austin:

And that was it. That was.

Meghan Murphy:

Oh, my God. All the averted tragedy that almost happened with this film. Jee.

Matt Austin:

Whole movie is full of that. Like the. The story. Did you see the thing about how Kylie Minogue ended up in there?



Meghan Murphy:

No, no, please, please, please tell.

Mr. Ray:

Please edify us.

Meghan Murphy:

I'm like, no, cammy has been casted.


They don't.

Matt Austin:

There is no cami. They. He realizes they need a cami because initially. So going back to what KP said, like, they sat down with.

With Capcom and he sold Capcom on how many. How many of the seven Dwarfs can you name? And they got like five of them. And he's like, yeah, exactly. You can't have more than seven characters.

This is crazy.

Meghan Murphy:

That's a genius way to sell it. Apparently it didn't work in the long run.

Matt Austin:

Right. And that's how he got the job.

Meghan Murphy:

Oh, my God.

Matt Austin:

And then they came up another one, another one, another. So then he needed cami, right? So needed Cami.

They were going to Australia to shoot after they shot in Thailand, because that whole thing was a nightmare. So they're going to Australia and the Australian actors union says, okay, cool. So. But where's your Australian actors?

Meghan Murphy:

Oh, my God. So they got the most Australian person.

Matt Austin:

most beautiful people of:

Meghan Murphy:

Oh, that.


She did the thing.

Mr. Ray:

She did do a good job.

Matt Austin:

Like, fantastic.


And apparently in the. That Guardian article, like, she was lovely. Like, on set, like, she was nice. She treated everyone to a party.

Like her and Ming Na Wen got along really well and did dinners together because they were the only two girls, which I recommend reading that Guardian piece because every. I mean, it's just a interesting piece to hear from all these different parts of this movie. But Mingna Wen's pieces of the anytime they.

Quite a quote from her. I'm like, this is a 10 out of 10. Because, like, she roasts the guys.

Meghan Murphy:

Oh, no. Like.


Like, the boys are just like, yeah. You know, it was just muscles and, you know, trying to be stronger than the other. And she's like, no, they were wussies.

I punched one in the face, and he was crying, and I was.

Meghan Murphy:

I wasn't even.

Mr. Ray:

That's crazy.


I was just playing. I'm like, what an icon. That's right.

Matt Austin:

All the dudes, you know, steaks and my first Cuban cigar. And, like, yeah, no, I punched him.

Meghan Murphy:

Fascinating. Listening to how, like, haphazard some of this casting was and having to keep jamming in characters.

Because I'll give you this, the movie, like, every character has at least one. Okay, again, maybe not T. Hulk. I'm sorry, T. Hawk.

I just feel like you got at the very end where every other character has at least a thing they do, if not several things where it's like, you know, like, to juggle them all is amazing. I think it was really smart to separate little chunks of groups. Like, you have the military, not UN People. And that's, like, three characters.

You have, like, you have Cammy and Honda and.


Oh, Chudley.

Mr. Ray:

Chun Lee. Not Mike Tyson.

Meghan Murphy:

Yeah, that works together. Like, he pulled off the hair. Holy crap.

Mr. Ray:

Oh, yeah, yeah.

Meghan Murphy:

Right? And then you have, like, bison and his thing. And then even tying in, like. And that's how you get Delzim and.



Matt Austin:

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Meghan Murphy:

Oh, yeah. Slash Charlie. That's two characters in one.

Mr. Ray:

Yeah, they just put two characters.

Meghan Murphy:

Fascinating, but, like, they are all, like, digestible chunks of a story, considering they just kept jamming characters in there. I'm like, oh, no, they have a thing. Oh, and then Ken and Rye, who are just, I guess, traveling chaos brothers, but it works.

Oh, and then they bring in, like, Vega. Like, they took the blah, blah, blah. Like, it all kind of, like, it works better than it should.

But knowing that he was a screenwriter first, that makes sense, because I think, okay, this is someone who worked very hard to make things make sense as much as a Street Fighter game movie that is being filmed in, like, the worst conditions. Can you say what's happening most of the time?

Matt Austin:

The fact that you understand who these people are at all.

Meghan Murphy:


Matt Austin:

Is really a testament because, again, seven characters. Right. What do we end up with just talking about there? Fourteen.

Meghan Murphy:

Oh, God. Yeah. It's Megan who, like, knows the characters, and yet I can't keep that many names in my head. I'm like, this guy.

This guy, you know, bald, stretchy guy, green guy.

Matt Austin:

15. Wow. That was a hell of a guess. Yeah. 15.

Meghan Murphy:

Then that was amazing. And then they also eventually get into their costumes one way or another, whether it was. Whether it's Chun Li.

Like, I don't know why they had that outfit there. And I don't want to ask E. Honda where all of a sudden, like, his hair is up and he's shirtless. I'm like, bravo. Because it was like an explosion.



Put up his hair, his doll seam with the chains. I was like.

Meghan Murphy:

I was like, oh. Because he was a prisoner. I also going like, okay, why is it so. Why is it so thick? Oh, because that's what he. Yeah.

Matt Austin:


Meghan Murphy:

And, yeah, apparently there's more scenes that explain that. Like, the. The chemicals hit him, and that's why he's bald. But I love the idea that he just shows up bald because he will.

Do they have money for stretchy limbs? No. Deal with it. Why is Blanca in it? So little money. Shut up. Okay.

Matt Austin:

That was the kid's only complaint, is that he. He's a Dawson, Maine. Well, and. And the whole movie. Where's my guy? Where's my guy? Where's my guy?

Meghan Murphy:

And you're like, it's that guy. And he's like, what? Yeah, he's that dude right there.

Mr. Ray:


Matt Austin:


Mr. Ray:

Just like to do a good Dawson cameo, you know, doing some backseat directing storytelling here. All you really need is him having a henchman stuck in a corner, and he's just stretchy arm punching him like.

Yeah, that's because that's how everybody plays dolls in just that little.

Matt Austin:

Yeah, that is 100 how he plays him. I will tell you that for free. It's very frustrating.

Mr. Ray:

It's cheesy, but it's effective.

Matt Austin:

It sure is.

Meghan Murphy:



Which kind of cranked me up, because in certain Places I think he could have. And it might have been. You know, it's too little, too late based on how this production was going. But it felt like he had to put a captain.

Captain Sawada in there. That guy didn't need to be in there. Right. Like, he had.

Meghan Murphy:

I can't even remember he was.


When they were storming the place, they just give him a little, like, shout out because Gone. Apparently, that guy was supposed. Capcom wanted him to play Ryu because he was Japanese, but he didn't know English or his English was very limited.

Meghan Murphy:

Fascinating. Okay.


De Souza said basically that part of the casting process was that he had to get rid of surnames because Capcom wanted if Japanese character, like, Japanese actors. And the gentleman that played Ryu was not Japanese. And so, like, they had.

Meghan Murphy:

Yeah, yeah.


He had to, like, fit that guy back in there. And then also the henchman that was with Dulcine, I was like, he's kind of giving Zanky.

Meghan Murphy:

Fine. Like, I'm glad, but, like, who was this big clown.


Right. So there are certain things where I'm sure he.

He would have made some other changes if he had known up front that he had to have that many characters.

Meghan Murphy:

Oh. Oh, yeah. It was just like, oh, crap. Another one.

I can't imagine every day, like, all right, like, I've run out of fingers and there's still more characters. This is a problem.


Yeah. Yeah. What a masterpiece.

Matt Austin:

It really is.

Mr. Ray:

Who was the character? They added in. So they added in. So they did a video game adaptation of this movie, and they added in a character to the video game that is movie only.

Who's. I don't think he's ever the captain.


I think it's like, two. Yeah.

Mr. Ray:


Meghan Murphy:

I'm gonna guess it's not this, but I really hope it was the. The British guy played by Salmon Simon Calla, who's one of my favorite, like, character actors, because he. He plays like, a British.

Like, I will over enunciate my over enunciation. He's the one who's like, you have to shut it down. Guile. And I was like, they should have made him a fighting character. Yes.

Mr. Ray:

And he just, like, pulls out a clipboard anytime, like, you know, special.

Meghan Murphy:

We have shut this down.

Matt Austin:

Buries you under paperwork. Yeah, yeah.

Meghan Murphy:

That's what I'm saying. Like, let's think outside the box here, people.

Mr. Ray:


Matt Austin:

Yeah. I. I love that that guy comes up just apropos of nothing. Like, no one's mentioned his existence once.

Meghan Murphy:

And then never has been an issue.

Matt Austin:

Yeah, no, just. Just this random Rolls Royce pile piles in. These three very, very British looking people pile out.

Meghan Murphy:

I feel like they.

Yeah, I could just see the screen that, like, he's, you know, he's right and Susan's right and he's going like, okay, so I need another, like, another incident. Like, it can't just. Because obviously, why haven't they stormed it Bison's thing yet?

And they also had to make, like, Guile, like a rebel badass, even though he is an authority figure. So I feel like this was literally just one more because I'm like, what's stopping him from going now he's in charge of this group of people.

They could go in, but they had to add that one more. Now he's a rebel. No, that's his job. Like, he's doing his job right now. You can't rebel and be doing the thing you're supposed to be doing anyway.

Matt Austin:

It could also be. I'm gonna throw out an alternate theory based on other stuff that I read in the articles where they ran behind in filming. So did he's like. So I.

I'll just steal from. From John Ford and. Oh, we're a day behind. I'll just find this page in the script and tear it out. No, we're on time again.

Mr. Ray:

Yep, sounds about right.

Meghan Murphy:

Yeah. Yeah.

Matt Austin:

So, I mean, that guy could have had an entire character arc, like family. Who knows that? Just.

Meghan Murphy:

He said he's good enough actor. I know everything about him in a little time. Like, you know what? I'm sold. I'm sold on this guy laughing at.


The woman who was with him, who, like, we see her twice just running with her heels in her hands.

Meghan Murphy:

Oh. Oh, my God.


It's like blinking. You miss it. But she. She's just in there, like, with all the people, like, running with her heel and her hand trying to catch up. And then she's at.

At the dock with them, just shoe in hand.

Meghan Murphy:

Oh, so it's the opposite Jurassic World.

Matt Austin:

I was just thinking that.

Meghan Murphy:

That's right. That's right.

Matt Austin:

That. That's. That's how we evolved over 30 years. Is that Bryce Dallas? Hard to figure out how to run with the heels on.



Meghan Murphy:

Ray not put you on the spot. He said, what is your favorite part of this film?

That is probably explained by taking out a script page or running out of money or having to jam a character in. That wasn't part of the original plan.

Mr. Ray:

You know what? I. I think it. It's probably whenever Ryu and Ken do their signature moves, the hadouken and the chiriuken and it's just like. It's not even.

They didn't even have, like, any special effects word. It's just a screen flash.

Meghan Murphy:


Mr. Ray:

Like, young me loved that so much. Adult me is like, okay, I. I know the bar is low, guys, but.

Meghan Murphy:

You just want a little. A little something. A little something. Something special something. Okay.

Mr. Ray:



Deduct Jacquard Van Damme's pay by whatever. Like, a couple of months. That's all we need.

Meghan Murphy:



We did it in the Last Dragon. We could do it in here.

Meghan Murphy:

Oh, you're right. They needed the glow. If they. They can rotoscope that. I've seen it.

Mr. Ray:

You know what's fascinating?

Meghan Murphy:

None of these folks are more powerful than Leroy. Actually, maybe not. He's pretty powerful. Sorry, Ray, continue.

I'm gonna have to decide, like, who's more powerful, the Last Dragon or Street Fighters?

Mr. Ray:

Oh, that's a good question.

Okay, but, like, so knowing how much, like, JCVD just kind of off on this movie and partied his way through it, did you all know he wanted to make a sequel? Like, he was one of the big voices pushing for a sequel.

Meghan Murphy:

at it was like something like:

Mr. Ray:

Yeah, he wanted to do a sequel movie that was, like. Like, still on guile, but it also, like, brought out more of Ken and Ryu and like, their, like, roaming Chaos Goblin energy. Because, I mean, which I.

I'm a huge Ken fan. Like, he's my favorite. He's my main. And I'm just like, I'm here for it. I want.

I want that movie of just, you know, these two Chaos Goblins going around just, like, picking fights.

Meghan Murphy:

Oh, let's not get in trouble this time, Ken. I don't know, Ryu. I mean, here's the thing. I love that. I don't know if that's actually. I. You know, that is the way it.

Mr. Ray:

Goes is like, they're like, yeah, let's go into this place. We're gonna start some trouble, you know, just to fight the strong guy.

And then it's gonna, like, like, escalate into, like, this big, destructive thing. But here's the thing the movie didn't bring up. Ken is loaded. Like, he is like. Like Tony Stark meets Batman loaded in the games.

So the way he solves problems, like in. In the. The anime that they did off of this and most of the shows is whenever they cause trouble, trouble. Ken pays his way out of it.

He just kind of like, Writes a check and throws it leaves.

Meghan Murphy:

Yeah, yeah.

Matt Austin:

I had no idea that was his gimmick. That's amazing.

Mr. Ray:

He and Ryu are a lot of the same character, except Ryu's, like, this poor orphan boy who struggles with, like, this chi demon inside of him, and Ken is just loaded. He.

His daddy paid his way to help him train at, like, this greatest, like, guru in the world at fighting, and they both, like, learned the same fighting style and became friends. And, yeah, Ed Kim's like, his sugar mama sugar daddy.

Meghan Murphy:

Yeah. He's got his beautiful blonde wife at.


Home and his roaming, homeless boyfriend out in the streets. Like.

Meghan Murphy:

Hey, baby, I'm gonna be gone for a couple months. If you get a call from some sort of jail, it's probably me.


In Street Fighter 2, the animated movie, like, Ken's whole thing is, like, he's longing for Ryu, who is out traveling.

Meghan Murphy:



Like, he's got his beautiful, like, wifey, and he's just like. She's like, oh, yeah. He's like, yeah, we'll get married soon. Like, and. And she's like.

Meghan Murphy:

She's thinking about.


He's like, I'm fine. I'll see.

Meghan Murphy:

Oh, my God.


Him, like, daydreaming. Ryu growing up.

Meghan Murphy:

It's very like, oh, my God. Oh, I love it.


I can't recommend it enough.

Mr. Ray:

Oh, yeah. The. The. The. The animated movie, which I know we're not talking about, came out the same year, and it is. It is so good.

If you want to get into, like, the lore. It is so good at doing that. Like, the fight scenes are phenomenal because it's animated. But, yeah, no, it's. It's. It's very good.

And Ken and Ryu are definitely historically accurate roommates. That's.

Meghan Murphy:

I love. I. You know, I love these boys even more. I love them.

Mr. Ray:

They are the.

They are the embodiment of what I love most about Street Fighter is, like, you know, you see a fascist dictator, and you can just put on your karate gi and beat his ass.

Meghan Murphy:

Yeah. Okay, I have a question for us all. And this is just movie. Just movie, right? Not.

Not the character you played or who's your favorite character in this movie? Who comes off the best? But, I mean, listen, Ray, you stole mine, but. Okay, I'll come with another one. Yeah, go ahead, Ray. Say, why Zan Geef?

The best character is the best character, the best lines.

Mr. Ray:

I mean, he's got. He's the other half of the Godzilla fight scene with E. Honda.



Meghan Murphy:

I mean, yeah. I mean, I'm not gonna argue because you're right.

Mr. Ray:

And I think, like, my close second behind that is dj Because DJ is like. Is, like, probably the smartest character in the movie. Like, he's hacking into, like, global satellites to ch. Like, run personal feeds.

He knows instantly whenever they're being traced. And. But, like, you know, at. At the end of the movie where there's sieges happen. Like, he's talking to Z and he's like, you know, this is all right.

Like, this money's not worth anything. He's like, what? I can't remember.


Never left Microsoft.

Meghan Murphy:

Yeah, because, like, Zank. This is the one where Zanki's like, we have to go out and fight the enemies of. Of peace and joy. And DJs like, Yo, Bison's a dictator.

He's the enemy of stuff. And Zanki's like, why do you work? He's like, I got paid, like, so much money. And Zanki's like, you got paid?

My favorite DJ scene is you have one where, like, Bison's in the front foreground, right? And he's talking about how, like, you know, this is. This. Like, this is.

This is about something, and we're gonna stay in and we're gonna fight, and it's not. And you just see DJ going, nope. Like, he doesn't say anything.

But instantly, you know the kind of characters he is, because he's like, I'm not down for this. You know, what I was here for is not happening anymore. I'm just gonna just quietly fades in the back. I'm like, fantastic. Love that. Love that stuff.

Mr. Ray:

Yep. Love it. It's. Yeah. It's phenomenal. So, yeah, Zangief and dj, those are my two favorites.

Meghan Murphy:

They're good henchmen. You need quality henchmen, right? And for. For. For. I'm Bison, you need the best if you're gonna, like, be in that space, you know?

Mr. Ray:


Meghan Murphy:


Mr. Ray:


Meghan Murphy:

All right. Others have to go before me for. Not for any reason, man.


You want to go?

Meghan Murphy:

I'm fine.

Matt Austin:

I'll take a shot at it. I'm gonna go with Bison. I think Raul Julia is incredible in this movie. He knows exactly what movie he's in.

And he is menacing and hysterical in every single moment.

Like, every bit of what he does is hilarious and sometimes chilling, and sometimes he is maybe the best villain that this movie could have, like, on the money every single time. You know, the whole thing. For you, it was the worst day of your life. For me, it was Tuesday.

Meghan Murphy:

I mean, people know that and have not seen this film that's how good one the line is. Got to give the Sousa credit for that. And to the delivery of it. It'll live beyond us all. No one will remember the movie. No one will remember Earth.

But they will remember. But for me, it was Tuesday. Oh, just.

Mr. Ray:

I. I want to shout out that bison scene. So I. I do love this scene so much. The beginning where he's, like, having, like, these.

These not UN soldiers run at him, and then he just, like, breaks their necks like nothing.

Meghan Murphy:


Mr. Ray:

Like, you're like, okay. Sets the tone. This is a Looney Tunes movie. But then, like, he gets the feed from Guile and Giles doing the. The up years.

And, like, he has this close up and he just has this eye twitch. And I'm like, oh, that is so good. That's such a good choice. And. Oh, yeah, it's.

Meghan Murphy:

Yeah, yeah.

Matt Austin:

It's almost like a Marty Feldman thing. It's so good.

Meghan Murphy:

I love that one where he's talking about. Is it Bisonopolis? Is he calling it.

Matt Austin:

Yes, it's Bisonopolis.

Meghan Murphy:

So he.



Meghan Murphy:

I love that he had an entire, like, little miniature built because, like, he cares. Right. And I love. He's staying there and he's talking about how, like, okay, we're gonna want the food court court bigger because all the.

Matt Austin:

Companies, all the franchises are going to want in. That was.

Meghan Murphy:


Matt Austin:

Where I lost it because we got to make it bigger because all the franchises are going to want in.


It's not wrong.

Meghan Murphy:

And they had this great shot then where he's walking around the miniature and you haven't quite seen the whole miniature. Right. He's walking around and he's talking about how, like, I'm not doing this for evil. I'm not creating super soldiers. I'm doing it for good.

Because then I will bring them. They will emerge from my lab and take on every country until everything is crushed and under. By benevolent control. And then he goes.

It'll be packs by. By. By Zonica. And then. Yes. And then the. The camera goes up and goes around. And then you see that, like, the main building of this opelis is a skull.

Like this weird skull helmet. And I'm like, yes, movie. Yes. It knows exactly what it's doing. And it's my favorite of his that.


Hasn'T been mentioned was when he's talking about his bison dollars and Sagats getting mad. And he's like, very calmly saying, like, don't Worry, it'll be $5 to every, like, $1 of the pound after I steal the queen of England.

Like, get on my level. See the video.

Meghan Murphy:

Like, he just.


And the fact that he asked for $20 billion because, like, he's not playing around. Every other movie I feel like I watched as a kid, they're asking for millions. No, he knows his worth. I need 20.

Meghan Murphy:

Damn right. Yeah.


And I will be stealing the Queen.

Meghan Murphy:

Of England, of course.


And that's it.

Meghan Murphy:

Like, I believe him. I believe him all the way.

Matt Austin:

Yeah. The last bit I loved about him, I mean, I could go for the entire. Every bit of screen time he has is gold. But.

But there's the moment where he's changing his clothes in his bedroom. When he's talking.

Meghan Murphy:

Oh, my God.

Mr. Ray:


Matt Austin:

And he goes around and he takes off the suit and he puts on the. The, like, brocade smoking jacket.

Meghan Murphy:

Yes. Why does he have this?

Matt Austin:

And then he takes the one stupid hat off, like, he's got. And then he goes with the nightwear version of that hat with the same brim. Same thing, but it's red velvet.

Meghan Murphy:



We're getting cozy. Okay.

Meghan Murphy:

This is a smoking hat and a smoking jacket.

Matt Austin:

Yes. It's casual evening wear with.

Mr. Ray:

It felt. It felt very evil dictator Mr. Rogers to me. And that's.

Matt Austin:


Meghan Murphy:

It's night time. It's time to luxuriate a little. He deserves it. It's been a long day.

Mr. Ray:

If I'm not mistaken, they don't show his head. Right. Like, without the hat. No, it's always.

Meghan Murphy:

I don't think you ever.

Mr. Ray:

Just such a good, like, directorial choice. Yeah.

Matt Austin:

God, he's so.

Meghan Murphy:

All right, kp. I mean, listen, M. Bison almost feels like cheating as the best character, because I feel like I should have said, accept M. Bison. Of course.

That's on me. That's on me.

Matt Austin:

I had to get it in because we. We haven't really done any M. Bison representation yet. And it needed to happen because, God, he is such a great part of this film.

Meghan Murphy:

So good.

Mr. Ray:


Meghan Murphy:

Sorry, K.P. yeah.


I'm gonna be basic. I'm gonna say Chumley. I just think Ming Na one is, like, absolutely wonderful. I think, like, other than Raul, Julia is Bison. Like, she's the perf.

Other perfectly casted person in this movie.

Meghan Murphy:

Absolutely. Y. She's basically the other lead. Like, we kind of. I think, because they didn't. Guile was not there for some shooting. She becomes the lead. Yeah.


Yeah. And, like, I just think it's interesting. She's passionate. Like, I do like the change that he made where, like, she's a journalist.

Because, like, I think that that's an interesting take because, like, she's like, an Interpol agent in the game. So I think, like, her being a journalist is, like, great. She just knows what she wants to do.

She's about to get that revenge, and she's gonna take her two guys along with her to make it happen. And, like, sneaks in and is like, I know DJ is the smartest, but I also. I think she's, like, right after him.

Meghan Murphy:

Oh, yeah.


In terms of, like, planning and scheming.

Meghan Murphy:

And she has morals, so that might. Yeah, like. Like dj, but with morals.


Yes, yes. And so just. Yeah, Nothing funny.

Meghan Murphy:



But just, like, I think she. She did a great job. 10 out of 10.

Mr. Ray:

I love how she, like, her response to her village getting destroyed by this dictator was to become a successful journalist, to track him down freely and easily, move into his compound with these two guys.

Meghan Murphy:

Learn. Yeah. Learn every martial art. Like, she literally said, like, I learned every martial art or, like, most martial arts. Also got a journalism degree.



Meghan Murphy:



She's intelligent.

Mr. Ray:

These guys did with. With a six pack of beer and a pizza.

Meghan Murphy:


Mr. Ray:

They're my muscle that I really don't need.

Meghan Murphy:

But, yeah, like, I love their bro energy, you know?


Oh. When they do the little show, like, they're putting on the show and E. Honda's laying down and he's, like, thinking he's about to get cut open.

He's like, no, no, no.

Meghan Murphy:

They get a lot of characterization in that. In that little trio that you go, oh, yeah. Like, I. I buy that they've been working together. And also they all can fight at a next level. Like, I.

Who knew? Like, I know why Chun Li does, but why the other two? Who knows and who cares? Like, it's just important.

I think at just one point, Ihana says, like, he mentions that he's studied sumo once, and that's fine. I don't needed more explanation than that.


Oh, when he's chill about getting whipped.

Meghan Murphy:

Yeah. Yes. Yeah.


Just unbothered.

Meghan Murphy:

Unbothered. That's right. That was fun. Oh, God. All right, so everyone took all my favorites.

Matt Austin:

Yeah. We've established there's 15 different characters for you to choose from.

Meghan Murphy:

Well. Well, I do. I do think what I will end up with. And it's. I think Ken and Ryu together. Like, I can't. You cannot separate them.

They are an interesting thread that takes us through. Also, I have a soft spot for. I mean, we're bad guys, but really, we're stealing from the bad guys.

So, like, we're not actually, like, those guys are lovable. Rogues. Lovable rogues are always fun. Plus, you have that moment where, like, they're, like, leaving as the. I love that M. Bison.

His lair is both industrial, but also an ancient temple. I love the aesthetics of that. But anyway, they're leaving. It's about to blow up. And then, like, Ryu's like, I'm going back.

Because I, like, basically, like, he's found meaning now, which makes sense because he'd be the character who did that first. You know, that's a. Kind of a. A little bit of his original character. And Ken's all like, I don't. I don't get it. I'm out of here.

But of course, they're bros. So later, when Ken's watching the monitor and he sees Ryu, he's like, oh, no. Oh, no. Veg is there. Oh. Oh, no. Oh, no. He's gonna get.

He's gonna get beat up. He's like, well, I guess I gotta show up for my bro. And there they are fighting back to back. And then they. They have their.

Their game uniforms on now, because in this world, that's what Bison dressed some of his guys out. So they peel off the Bison patches and. And then, like, Ryu also takes off the top because he has to be game accurate at this point.

And then they are bros. Fighting game accurate. It was beautiful. And then. And then Ken has that great line where it's. Oh, God, what's his name? I'm sorry. I gotta.

No, no, no, no, no, no, no. Sagat. Sorry. Sorry. Duty. You're. You're an amazing actor. If this is not your fault, where, like, they're leaving, and then Ken looks back at. At.

At Sagat, and he says, I want to thank you, because if I hadn't seen this, I would have. I would have become you. And I'm like, yeah. Ken also has a soul. He's also learned he'll always be behind Ryu on that, but he catches up with his bro.

So, anyway, that is also my. One of my favorite character characters. They're definitely not farther down the list. This is my original choice, of course.

Mr. Ray:

I think it's. I think it's very telling that, you know, the. The main character whose face is just like the.

The main front of this video release is nobody's favorite character.

Matt Austin:


Meghan Murphy:

I'm sorry, man. Listen, I love you as an actor. This is not your role, my man. This is not blood sport.

Mr. Ray:

The other thing I kind of want to slip in about Sagat is that he's supposed to be a Muay Thai, like, champion like, very well known. And I. The casting. Yeah.


And he's more Ryu's rival.

Mr. Ray:

Yeah, yeah. In fact, like, he's got a big. In the game, he has a big scar on his chest from Ryu doing the. The. Sure.

You can, like, right across his chest and permanently scarring him. And so now he, like, permanently hates Ryu.

Meghan Murphy:

And they'll do it.


I mean, that's justified. But.

Meghan Murphy:

Yes, They're.


They're the original ones to have the beef, not Ken.

Meghan Murphy:

I. I did notice the one thing. There's the one fight where they're. They're setting up the fight with Vega and Ryu, and Vega takes his mask off.

I'm like, why are you doing this? The entire thing is he doesn't want to ruin his face. He has to keep. I understand why.

Probably because the guy probably doesn't want to do fight choreography with a metal mask on. Probably a pain in the ass. But I was like, no, you have to stay accurate to the character. He's beautiful.


His mask off, though, like, in the game.

Meghan Murphy:

Oh, yeah. But he didn't knock off. He took it off. Kp. He did it on purpose. Yeah.


It's also not metal, I don't think, in the game.

Matt Austin:


Meghan Murphy:


Matt Austin:

It almost looks like ceramic in the game, doesn't it?

Mr. Ray:

Yeah, I think so.

Meghan Murphy:


Matt Austin:


Meghan Murphy:

He's got style. What are you gonna do?


Style and flair. Yeah. You want to watch a good fight scene with him? Go watch that Street Fighter 2 animated movie. Chun Lee whoops his butt.

Mr. Ray:

Oh, yeah, that fight scene. Yeah.

Meghan Murphy:

Why? Loving this movie. The one person, like, I know they. We had the final fight with, like, Guile and Bison, but, like, Chun Lee had him. If.

If her friends didn't come here, like, we've come to save you. I'm like, she almost actually ended this now. You know, she kicked his ass, which was nice, because I think that works for the character.

Like, I was like, no, no. She. Of. Of a lot of these. She should be someone who can take Bison. Absolutely. She has a personal reason.

I know they tried to give Guile a personal reason. They tried real hard with that Charlie Carlos, Blanca thing. But it just.


The way. The way I laughed so hard when, like, they.

We know that Guile cares about Charlie just because he says, like, charlie, I'm coming for you right on tv. But then, like, we have to have a quick flashback, like, him putting in the.

Doesn't he put in, like, literally a video of them with two women at dinner?

Meghan Murphy:

I was like, why? We already know.

Matt Austin:

I get shooting that and why you're just sitting at dinner. There's nothing going on.

Meghan Murphy:

I thought you didn't have time for everything. Why do we have time for this?

Matt Austin:

This is nothing.

Mr. Ray:

That sounds like a. A like 3am decision by a coked out JCVD calling me like, hey, I've been reading over this one page.

Meghan Murphy:


Mr. Ray:

And I really want to make it abundantly clear. Clear that they aren't a couple. Right. We can read between the line.

Meghan Murphy:

Excuse me. I thought it was probably just asking him. Him asking for more for time. Even though he wasn't showing up to actually be in the film.

All of a sudden he's like, am I not in the film a lot?

Matt Austin:

Really? It was just paparazzi footage of him at dinner with that guy. We're gonna get him in this movie one way or another. So you use that.



Meghan Murphy:

That's the one time the film slows down a bit for me because I was watching. I'm like, this just moves. Like it doesn't. It doesn't really have connective tissue and it doesn't need it. Right. But all of a sudden they're in.

He's like in the boat. And all of a sudden. That's the one time I'm like, am I. Am I looking at my phone? What happened? What happened?

Matt Austin:


Meghan Murphy:

Why this me for a second?

Matt Austin:


Meghan Murphy:


Matt Austin:

And now we got.

Meghan Murphy:

We've already established it. I'm good. He. Whatever he needs to, you know, beat up M. Bison. And the. The two or three times it takes because. Oh my God. M. Bison suit it.

It has like its own little defibrillator in there. It brings them back to life.

Matt Austin:


Meghan Murphy:

Oh, it does a little chest and it goes. I'm like, movie. Okay. I'm back in love with you. You lost me for a second, but I'm back in.

Matt Austin:

It's adorable.

Meghan Murphy:

And then it's the end where you get that great, like, very much Flash Gordon ending where like you have literally the hand buys his hand through the monitors and then he resets the computer to rule domination. And it says, what? Retry.

Matt Austin:


Meghan Murphy:

I was like, okay, there you go. Movie. That's how you do that. Kind of the sequel will never get.

Matt Austin:

But, you know, I mean, I love the fact that they thought they were gonna get it though. Like.

Meghan Murphy:

Oh, yeah.

Matt Austin:

I. I appreciate the hubris on that.

Meghan Murphy:

Yeah, you got. You got it. You're making a film with 15 main characters. Hubris.

Matt Austin:

You gotta have a second movie to contain them all. Yeah, yeah.


I'd say you could do. You could do the Mortal Kombat thing. But we know how Annihilation turned out.

Mr. Ray:

I like Annihilation better than the first.

Meghan Murphy:

Okay, you know what? We gotta bring Ray back. And have a good day.

Matt Austin:

You're coming back?

Meghan Murphy:



Not even a fight? No. I just want to hear thoughts, that's all.

Meghan Murphy:

That's funny. KP is like, I want to hear you. I'm like, ray, I guess we're fighting.

Matt Austin:

I want to do that show. Like, I'm excited about that.

Meghan Murphy:

Maybe we'll do a double. Because we did the new Mortal Kombat.

Matt Austin:

We did the new Mortal Kombat and we did the original Mortal Kombat, but we did not do anything in between.

Mr. Ray:

So I gotta ask this. Are you going to do an episode over the se. Well, the reboot of Street Fighter? The legend of Chun Li.

Meghan Murphy:

Oh, Ray, I want to hear your thoughts.

Matt Austin:

I was gonna say we haven't discussed it. We may be able to get it out of the way right now if you'd like.

Meghan Murphy:

Ray. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Save. Save us the trouble.

Mr. Ray:

Yeah. Laura brought up that I am not afraid of an unpopular stance on pop culture because, you know.

Meghan Murphy:

Oh, my gosh. Everyone, one second. Right? Everyone, don't ask Ray about the Beatles because we can't afford the heat. Okay. I'm just saying, I.

We've been living with the heat and I don't need this. Okay. So anyway. Hey. All right. Okay. You can listen again.

Mr. Ray:

I. I really liked, you know, the main actress. I loved her on Smallville. Kristen Krug.

Meghan Murphy:


Mr. Ray:

Yeah. That's about as positive as I can get about that movie. Like, they did try to stay a little closer to the source material, but like, it's.

It's a prime example of. Followed the source material. Did not get the vibe and the cast on that they had. I feel really sorry for. Oh, I have to look up who the.

The Bison guy they got. It was Neil McDonough. They got poor Neil McDonough to be bison.

Meghan Murphy:

He's usually good and stuff.

Mr. Ray:

He is.

Matt Austin:

That's Wildcast.

Mr. Ray:

It's very wild casting because Bison's like a seven foot tall, black haired dictator. And I don't think Neil McDonough is ever in Bison uniform. He also did not dye his hair. He's got blonde hair throughout the whole thing.

Meghan Murphy:

So he's just with his ice blue eyes.

Mr. Ray:


Meghan Murphy:

And he's not in uniform. How do you know who he is? Do they constantly call him M. Bison?

Mr. Ray:

Yeah. Like, he has like scenes put in that it's. They like thrust him being evil onto the audience. Like one of his hench people fail him. And so he.

Like, there's a scene of them, like. Like, punching, like. Like a dummy of them, like, who's, like, strung up.

And, like, somebody comes in and talks to him, like, while he's, like, punching this. And it's just like, oh, you're really hammering down that. Hey, he's a bad dude. Whenever they just, like, no subtlety to the movie whatsoever.

Guile's not in it. We get Charlie, who's a cop.


You get Michael Clark Duncan as Ballron.

Matt Austin:

Oh, that's a good one.


But then that Taboo from a Black Eyed Peas is Vega. Get out of here.

Meghan Murphy:

n this. That's the most early:

Mr. Ray:


Matt Austin:

I'm curious.

Meghan Murphy:


Matt Austin:

Was Apple D app busy? Is that how they got Taboo or what happened?


I. I have never watched this movie, which kills me because Chun Lee, obviously, iconic women in gaming, like, don't.

Mr. Ray:

Don't watch this movie. Like, yeah.


And I just always have avoided this because I was like, I don't. Nothing about this seems like a good time.

Mr. Ray:

It is not a fun movie at all. Like, they really, like, if you. They really go into the Chun Li backstory and, like, do that part of it justice, but it's just not everything else.

And it's another one that they were, like, trying to set up a sequel for it with, like, they were going to bring in Ryu and Ken for the sequel. Yeah, Ryu and Ken aren't even in it. And it's just. It's.

Meghan Murphy:

Hey, do you want to see a better film? Watch this. So we get a sequel. That's a weird way to sell a film.

Mr. Ray:

But, I mean, it was very popular at that time. They were, like, pushing sequels so hard.

Matt Austin:

It's the Patton Oswalt thing, right? Oh, you like ice cream? Here's rock salt and some milk.

Mr. Ray:


Meghan Murphy:

Ray, thank. Thank you for saving us. In case anyone in our audience. We've saved you. You're. Well, you're welcome. Well, unless it's too late, then we're sorry.

We're only human. Most.


They're working on a new Street Fighter movie that should supposedly, I think, should be out. It has a date for next year.

Meghan Murphy:

Oh. Oh.

Mr. Ray:

I mean, I'll tune into that because I sat through Legend of Chunley, so.

Meghan Murphy:

That means I will clearly sit at this point. Yes, And I'll.


I'll be there. Well, I will say this, like, for video game movies, I think a lot of the times they've been, like, panned critically, like, when you.

When they first release, they have. Maybe they become cult classics or, you know, the audience enjoys them.

But I feel like we're getting to a point with the number of good video game movies we have. I'm knocking on wood here.

Meghan Murphy:



Is increasing. Okay, we're getting there.

Meghan Murphy:

Yeah, yeah. Listen. It took us a while, but, you know, there's a.


There's a groove. Yes.

Matt Austin:

I think what happened was.

And you see it a lot when you see them interviewing folks that made these 90s video games Movies where they were like, we don't even know what video games are.

Meghan Murphy:


Matt Austin:

Like, so many people when they interview them, like, you know the Mario Brothers movie where Bob Hoskins was like, my kid plays it. I guess so I'll be in it, you know, or like this one when I was reading and the guy who played Ryu is like, I didn't know what.

What Street Fighter was until I was halfway into it. And like. And that was it. Like, it's.

Yeah, there's no passion, but I think it's evolved where the people that are making these movies now have played the games or have some familiarity or like.

Meghan Murphy:

You know, they're in the culture. Like, do you live here on the planet right now?


Then you probably are familiar with Masterpiece Sonic movies.

Meghan Murphy:

I still gotta watch those, man. I gotta watch those. Megan.


I think you'd really like them.

Meghan Murphy:

They don't. It's one of those things where, you know you'll like it and you just still haven't gotten around. And now there's three of them.

And I feel the weight of the Sonics on me. Like, I. Every time I see, like, a clip or picture, I'm like, I bet. I like that. But. Oh, man, three films.

Like, at this point, maybe it's passing by, y'all.

Mr. Ray:

There's three movies and a TV show spin off.


Oh, yeah.

Meghan Murphy:

I. Oh, no, great. I can't.

Mr. Ray:

I haven't watched Knuckles either. Yeah, it's good, I guess. I. I haven't seen it, which is a shame, because Knuckles is my. My favorite character.

I have something for Red and, you know, secondary characters. I. I can't. I don't know.


I. I get that. Growing up, it was my brother, who is four years older than me, my cousin, who is five years older than me, and me.

So it's two boys and one girl. So the two of them would always fight over who got to be, like.

Meghan Murphy:

The protagonist, who got to be the secondary.


And then girl.

Mr. Ray:


Meghan Murphy:

That sounds like, like, like me at the arcade at the X Men. I Guess I'll be Dazzler. Yeah, it was. It was always open, and it was at the end. I don't have to know what I'm doing.

You're just happy someone's playing her. Now I'm like, put respect on her name. Like, I feel like I came in a different way. Like, no respect. Dazzler. At the time, I'm a girl.

I'm playing Dazzler.

Matt Austin:

2 at the other end, throwing elbows at each other for Wolverine. Yeah, yeah, right.

Meghan Murphy:

I was like, I don't want to be at that end. That's too. I don't understand. I get it. He seems cool. I'm not gonna get violent over him. Please. Anyway, Dazzle. Yes.


But eventually we settled into a thing where my brother always was, like, the main. Like, Ryu or, you know, Liu Kang or whatever. And then my cousin was always, like.

Had his fondness for the secondary character, like Ken or Knuckles or anything like that. So it's like, it's.

Meghan Murphy:

It's settled. Like, it could. It couldn't be violence forever or some sort of pox by Zonica.

Matt Austin:

There it is.

Meghan Murphy:

I need to get a T shirt just for me.

Matt Austin:

thoughts about Street Fighter:

Any of the other Street Fighter media that you'd suggest people check out or just.

Meghan Murphy:

I'll go first because I don't have. I don't have any other thing. I'm not deep enough into it. We've got true experts over here. Okay? I can't compete with Ray and kp. I can't.

I can't compete. Compete with you, Matt. So I'm gonna go with. Hi. Me. Someone who just has seen the movie and enjoys it, played the game sometimes.

Always Chun Li, of course. I'm a girl, and I was gonna. Spinning Bird kick as much as I wanted to. It's a fun film. I think. It's just genuinely fun.

You turn it on and you're surprised at how well it still plays. It's just. I love that you watched it on a Saturday morning, because I think that sounds like just the right time. And before we go, I.

I just want to say I love the idea that Raul Julia. This is, like, his last film, and he did it for his kids. His kids love the game.

So, like, besides just being an incredible actor, I also think that he's doing this. Like, my kids love this thing. And I'm gonna put my love for my kids into M. Bison and, like, not to make Myself cry over the Street Fighter movie.

But I love that. I think that's just amazing. And how dare such a beautiful idea be wrapped up in this film. And yet that's life, right?



Meghan Murphy:

Yeah. So Street Fighter, it's a thing. And there's more others of it. And let's talk to other people who are smarter about it that know the. The thing.

Go for the thing.

Matt Austin:

I can't follow that. So, KP Ray, what do you got?

Mr. Ray:

Kp, do you want to go first? I can go last if you'd like.


Sure, yeah. Because you can bring us on home. Echoing Megan Absolutely fantastic movie. Really good fun time. Yes. The bits about Raul Julia break my heart.

But what a beautiful thing out of something so silly. And if you are interested in more Street Fighter like stories other than playing the games.

Street Fighter 2, the animated movie like Ray said, came out that same year.

Meghan Murphy:

Highly recommend.


Street Fighter V, I think is the TV. Street Fighter 2V is an animated show that I recommend as well.

Mr. Ray:

Yeah, you got to be careful whenever you're looking up the Street Fighter show because there's. There's Street Fighter V, which is the anime that is like really good.

Like every character has such great moments and like, I think a lot of them have like dedicated episodes.



Mr. Ray:

And like Dalzam does such a great job of like being like the spiritual guidance for Ryu, at least fighting his inner demons and stuff. And they also introduced like the best character in the series. My.

One of my favorites, which is Akuma, who's just this like Chi demon guy who's like fully given into the evil and he exists just to be the strongest and he just goes around finding people to beat up. And like you have it's, it's such a great character. Like, I love that motivation.

But there's also the Street Fighter Saturday morning cartoon TV show. That's what I'm calling it.



Mr. Ray:

Well, it is because it's very GI Joe esque guile and Cammy and I think Chun Li as well.

Like they have like this like hidden secret underground organization where they are like hunting and trying to stop Bison, but they can't be out in public for some ludicrous reason. So they have to be these covert agents who go around and like start street fights with like Bison's people.

And that's like the, the, the vehicle for the show. And it, it like has a huge cast. Doesn't really explain them because they're like, you've played the game, you know, these characters.

There's the green guy, there's. And there's the guy in the white GI and like Blanca can talk in it, I think, which is wild because in the games he's like. So yeah, the.

I'm selling this animated show. Whatever. I told you, don't watch it. But I was gonna say now I.

Matt Austin:

Kind of want to watch.


The quality is not the level of Street Fighter 2V. That's vibes.

Mr. Ray:

If. If you are interested in it. I think the entire series is free on YouTube, so not sure it's pirated or not.

I don't think anybody cares about the rights for it anymore.

Meghan Murphy:

But yeah, do whatever you feel doing legally. Everybody, our hands are washed. Anomaly has never. No idea what you're doing. We can't see you right now.

Matt Austin:

That's right.

Mr. Ray:


Meghan Murphy:

I. I got us. Don't worry.

Mr. Ray:

Thank you.

Matt Austin:

Well, I think that just about brings us to a close on Street Fighter, so thank you very much for. For listening. Ray.

Mr. Ray:


Matt Austin:

Do you have anything you'd like to talk about? What. What are you working on?

Mr. Ray:

Oh, gosh, so many things. I. I do TTRPG stuff. I make like onepage little TTRPG games. Like.

Like one of my famous ones is 3 Baddies and a Baby where a bunch of super villains who are trying to pay their rent on their secret lair are planning a heist whenever one of their relatives drops off their kid for them to watch. And the kid has like chaotic superpowers that activate whenever you fail your roles. So that's fun. There's also one called Apocalypse. Wow.

That is where you play different versions of Owen Wilson's characters who are trying to stop the end of the world.

Meghan Murphy:

Genius level. Ray. Ray, you do genius work.

Mr. Ray:

Thank you. Thank you. But outside of that, I also run a two dollar creature feature which is an actual play, like supernatural monster of the week kind of show.

It's an anthology, so you can jump in on whichever season one, two or three. There are all different settings. The first setting is in kind of the 60s in a traveling circus.

The second season is focused on a small town in the Chesapeake Bay area called Jupiter Hollow. That's one where Megan joined us on our cast.

Meghan Murphy:

Yeah, can't get rid of me now, suckers.

Mr. Ray:

And she does a phenomenal job. I mean, the whole cast does, but you all know Megan pretty well. So I'm just going to shout out Megan right now.

Meghan Murphy:

Oh boy.

Mr. Ray:

And then season three, we kind of take the magic out of the game and so now it's more X Files, like kind of fringe vibes. So yeah, it's. It's good I. I biasly saying it's good. So.

Meghan Murphy:

Yeah, you know, it's good. It's good, wholesome, fun. Okay. We swear sometime.

Mr. Ray:

We do swear.


As somebody who's listening to $2 Creature Feature and needs to finish the second season. Very enjoyable. Love putting it on. Very fun. Great character work. I just. It's so enjoyable.

I just love throwing it on when I'm, like, doing my chores and enjoying a fun, interesting story and see what you guys cook up.

Mr. Ray:

Oh, thank you.



Matt Austin:

And do you have a website or a social media handle you want to throw out there?

Mr. Ray:

Yeah, I'm on. I'm on Blue Loose Guy. You can find me on there as just Mr. Ray. Like all one word, two R's. That's. Yeah. I think I have my link to my itch there. If you.

You want to try out RPGs, you know, that's. That's there for you.

Matt Austin:

They all sound super fun.

Mr. Ray:

Yeah. Thank you.

Meghan Murphy:

Yeah, I've. I've played a couple. They're wild in the Fast Away. That baby. That baby's trouble. Y'all. Just trying to be a villain. And it's a baby chaos.

Especially the Christmas version we did.

Mr. Ray:


Meghan Murphy:

Oh, yeah.

Mr. Ray:

And Megan did the art for all of the. The three baddies and the babies, which I love. Eventually, like, it. It swaps and the baby grows up and everybody else is a baby. Sequels to this.

I don't think I said that, but yeah, I've written sequels to this.

Meghan Murphy:



Yes, that is wonderful.

Meghan Murphy:

I will put those links on our podcast page that we have on the anomaly film fest.com website. So I'll put Ray Social and the. The link to his itch. Itchio. Itchio. I don't know how to say it, but I know what it is, so. So you can pick up his games.

Mr. Ray:

Thank you.

Matt Austin:

And thank you so much for coming on with us, Ray. You're welcome anytime. Oh, really and truly, it's been such a pleasure and I'd love to have you back anytime.

Mr. Ray:

Oh, yeah. Yeah. Feel free to call me anytime.

Matt Austin:


Meghan Murphy:

I'm glad this worked. It was gonna be real awkward if it didn't.

Matt Austin:

Yeah. For me personally, I had nothing but the utmost confidence because I, you know, good people, Meg.

Meghan Murphy:

Thank you. I try.

Matt Austin:

So now I'm going to do the pitch for anomalies. Everybody ready? I'm gonna. This is a really good segue I'm going for. So.

Yes, this has been the Anomaly Presents podcast about the genre movies that inspired the Anomaly Film Festival. If you want to know more about that, check out anomaly film fest.com you can see what we did this past year.

Our last show before this one, we did a whole festival wrap up. It was wild. This year we got a surprise appearance from one of the actresses who came from Tokyo to hang out with us. It was incredible.

Meghan Murphy:

Did we know she was coming? No. So we told people, no, that's not her. We know we lied to our own.

Matt Austin:

Audience'S face and then found out moments later that we did. So yeah, these are the kind of fun things that'll happen at the Anomaly Film Festival.

We can't guarantee actresses will fly in from, from other countries every year, but it can happen and you should be there to see it if it does. It's anomalyfilmfest.com it's coming up this November. Dates to be announced very soon.

If not already, check out anomaly film fest.com or Anomaly Film Fest on Instagram and Blue sky maybe.

Meghan Murphy:

Oh yes, yes, yes. In all honesty, follow us on Blue sky and Instagram or oh my God. Join our newsletter. It's on our website because that.

We control that more than anything else.



Matt Austin:

t in, in the year of our Lord:

Meghan Murphy:

I'm trying. I'm trying so hard as a social person.

Matt Austin:

Nobody wants to be on Meta anymore. We know. So we're doing our best. But yeah, that is the Anomaly Film Festival. Come hang out with, with people and do fun things.

Watch some cool movies and make friends. That, that's the big sell. How's that? Did I do it?

Meghan Murphy:

Always. Always. You're. You're a pro at this.

Matt Austin:

All right, thank you everybody. This has been the Anomaly Presents podcast. You've been an incredible audience.

Ray, thank you again for, for your, your, your unbelievable depth of knowledge about Street Fighter. And we will talk to you all again real soon. Thanks everybody.

Meghan Murphy:


About the Podcast

Show artwork for Anomaly Presents:
Anomaly Presents:
Anomaly Presents is a podcast devoted to genre movies hosted by the founders of the Anomaly Film Festival

About your hosts

Profile picture for Matt Knotts

Matt Knotts

Co-founder and curator of Lunchador Podcast Network, focused on art, culture and social issues in Rochester NY. Ticketing and Technology Coordinator for Anomaly: The Rochester Genre Film Festival
Profile picture for Meghan Murphy

Meghan Murphy

I draw things. Movie Cleric of a Mad Deity. Co-founder @anomalyfilmfest. She/Her.